Friday, October 10, 2008

How am I going to reach my goal?

I am doing my third year MD pediatrics. I am earning now approx. Rs.20,000. Can't I save Rs. 500 to Rs.1000 / month ? Rs 10,000 /year ? Rs 3 lakhs/ 30 years?

I am not talking to those who never were interested in my country, my people. I am not talking to those who simply eat, sleep, eat, sleep. They can never save anything.
I am talking to those who feel frustrated about being unable to do anything for this country , they can definitely save this amount.

Investing this much amount (Rs. 3 lakh) per head in education is the most worthiest thing one can do. No corruption can come in between because it is between you and a poor deserving bright student . No one can stand in between.

When everyone starts sponsoring one child's education the chain reaction it will create will definitely lead our country to prosperity.

So let each one of us have our goal in life to sponsor the higher education of a poor deserving guy.

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Do you believe that you can educate atleast one person in this country